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Generation Citizen
Empowering the Next Generation: The Impact of Community-Based Civic Education and Generation Citizen Partnerships in the West


Empowering the Next Generation: The Impact of Community-Based Civic Education and Generation Citizen Partnerships in the West

29 August 2024

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Written by Morgan Kim, Generation Citizen’s Senior Program Director, West

Civic education is the backbone of an informed, engaged, and responsible citizenry. In an increasingly complex and rapidly changing world, equipping young people with the knowledge, skills, and motivation to meaningfully participate in their communities is essential for a healthy, thriving democracy. 

Generation Citizen understands that civic education is not just about learning U.S. History or government structures and systems—it’s also about engaging civically in everyday life. By partnering with school districts, Generation Citizen empowers youth in our democracy through community-based civics, enabling students to address local community issues and drive systemic change.

In 2024, Generation Citizen is transforming how civics education is taught by partnering with school districts to deliver project-based, community-centered civic education. Four districts and twenty schools will deliver Generation Citizen’s community-based civics curriculum throughout California and Washington this school year. Through supplementary curriculum, professional development, and coaching, teachers are equipped with the tools to engage young people as informed citizens of their own communities, ultimately creating a more just, equitable, and democratic society.

Generation Citizen’s innovative approach to civic education equips students with civic knowledge  and skills while also helping students build the confidence to be influential leaders and change-makers. GC’s Community-based curriculum connects students’ learning to the real world, making it relevant and engaging them in local community issues. Students who have completed the Generation Citizen curriculum program often feel more confident in making a difference in their communities. This program ensures that young people are connected and engaged with real-world issues, empowering them to create a more vibrant and equitable system for community engagement. 

As Generation Citizen deepens its partnerships with school districts, we can look forward to a new generation of leaders dedicated to positively impacting their communities. In our classrooms, students have launched projects ranging from campus safety initiatives and educating middle schoolers about the health risks of vaping to implementing restorative student leadership programs. 

Would you like to learn more about Generation Citizen’s programs or how you can bring Generation Citizen to your school district? Contact Morgan Chong Kim, Senior Program Director, at mkim@generationcitizen.org.