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Generation Citizen
GC Launches Demand-Building Efforts Through Advocacy Briefing Webinar



GC Launches Demand-Building Efforts Through Advocacy Briefing Webinar

22 February 2015

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Generation Citizen is excited to share a recording of our Advocacy Briefing Webinar, which focused on our newest workstream: building demand for action civics. We were thrilled to be joined by Ford Foundation Program Officer Sanjiv Rao.

In addition to continuing to strengthen and grow our direct programming, GC will now engage in targeted advocacy efforts to ensure that policymakers, educators, philanthropists and other stakeholders recognize the need to prepare our young people for active and effective democratic engagement.

We hope you’ll listen in, share the recording, and reach out with feedback!

GC Advocacy Briefing Webinar from Generation Citizen on Vimeo.

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