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Generation Citizen Annual Report 2015

Generation Citizen
Generation Citizen FY15 Impact  Briefing


Generation Citizen FY15 Impact Briefing

19 November 2015

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We are excited to share with you resources from our second annual Impact Briefing, a one-hour webinar which took place Tuesday, November 17th. During this webinar, we reviewed Generation Citizen’s (GC’s) overarching mission and activities and offered evidence from our past year of programming indicating progress within our theory of change.
Both the webinar and our Impact Progress Report are intended to help us reflect and get feedback on our efforts, including enunciating what’s working, where our challenges are, what we’re learning, and what we’re doing to continuously increase our effectiveness.
The webinar and report aggregate evaluation data from a range of sources, including:

  • Pre- and post-semester student surveys, revealing students’ development of civic knowledge, civic skills, and civic dispositions

  • Mid- and end-of-semester teacher surveys, reviewing teachers’ experiences with the program and their perception of students’ civic development

  • Qualitative evidence amassed from classroom observations and Democracy Coach mid- and end-of-semester surveys

  • A two-year quasi-experimental analysis of GC student surveys

We are particularly excited to share results of our quasi-experimental analysis, the most rigorous program evaluation possible and the first in our history. In the webinar, GC Director of Evaluation Alison Cohen summarizes her findings from that research and offers an update on our initial attempts at longitudinal evaluation. Rebecca Casciano, CEO of Glassfrog Solutions, joins the webinar as well to provide context on the evolution of our evaluation methods and discussion of best practices and challenges within the field.
For questions about GC’s evaluation strategy, progress, or procedures, please contact Sarah Andes, Director of Programming, at sandes@generationcitizen.org.

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