We are excited to announce the official launch of Invest in the Future of Democracy – Invest in a Classroom. With this ambitious fundraising campaign, Generation Citizen aims to ensure civics classrooms throughout our sites can continue unimpeded by budget restrictions or cynics as we move forward after one of the most tumultuous years of our time.
Our students and our teachers deserve honest, engaging growth opportunities within civics education, and we will continue to make that happen. The future of our democracy depends on it.
A message from our CEO Elizabeth Clay Roy
I want to personally thank each of you for your continued support of Generation Citizen, through the disruptions in our classrooms around the country and challenges we face in our democracy. On behalf of Generation Citizen, I would like to formally invite you to join us in supporting our students and teachers across sites by taking part in our Invest in the Future of Democracy — Invest in a Classroom fundraising campaign.
With several states considering restrictions on youth civics education, and with school budgets precarious through post-pandemic restructures, it is imperative that we ensure our students continue to receive a comprehensive civics education, which is crucial to the future of this country.
We believe that our network is not just newsletter subscribers or passive supporters, but folks who genuinely care about our students and our democracy. To that end, we invite you to join this ambitious campaign.
Leadership, inside GC and out: A message from co-founder and former CEO Scott Warren
As you may know, this past winter our co-founder and former CEO Scott Warren transitioned on to newer opportunities. However, he has stayed on as a National Board Member, dedicated to continuing Generation Citizen’s mission.
When we asked him to be a Team Captain and help lead this endeavor, to commit to engaging with his network to support GC students and civics education as a whole in this challenging time, he agreed without hesitation, and we could not be more thankful.
As Generation Citizen’s co-founder and former CEO, I’m incredibly excited to participate in the organization’s Invest in the Future of Our Democracy – Invest in a Classroom campaign. We are in the midst of so many societal challenges- a pandemic that has brought to the forefront so many of the racial inequities that have defined our country for far too long, existential threats to our democracy itself, and a school year that has interrupted the learning for so many of our educators and young people. Going into this next school year, ensuring that our schools, educators, and young people have access to an organization like Generation Citizen is so critical. GC will both help them to digest this moment, and take action to create a better, more equitable future,
But this can’t happen on its own- unprecedented budget cuts mean that schools have to make tough choices. You can support GC now to ensure that schools can prioritize Action Civics education for their young people. I am proud to still support this amazing organization, and know how important its success is for the success of our democracy. I’m asking you to invest in the future of our democracy by investing in Generation Citizen today. – Scott Warren
Here’s how you can help:
Joining in is easy
We will support our students and teachers, and protect our democracy. Will you?