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My Journey with GC: From the Classroom to Washington, DC

Generation Citizen
Key Learning and Impact from GC’s Fall Semester


Key Learning and Impact from GC’s Fall Semester

1 April 2014

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Open Mindedness. We are always learning and growing.

In modeling this core value, over the past several months, we’ve worked hard to build out and align our performance measurement system.  We are excited to share with you the initial results!

The Fall 2013 Outcomes & Results report provides an overview of the impact of the GC program during Fall 2013.  The report highlights successes to date and areas for improvement.  This is the first in a series of reports that will be produced at the middle of each semester and at the culmination of each program year.  By continually monitoring and evaluating program in real time, we seek to constantly iterate and expand our impact.

The newly enhanced performance measurement system was created with support from VERA Solutions, a specialist in results-based management, and CIRCLE, the preeminent civic engagement research center based out of Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service at Tufts University.  Specifically, we:

  • Clearly identified of our definition of success and demonstrated the linkages with our program through a logic model;
  • Updated outcome measurement tools to align with the logic model and draw on best practices in outcome measurement for youth civic engagement;
  • Made significant, custom updates to our database system.  The updates allow us to capture beneficiary level demographic and contact details for students and Democracy Coaches,  track attendance for student and Democracy Coach participation in program,  track individual level performance data and surveys, andcreate reports and dashboards to capture key indicators and progress towards outcomes.

Key advantages of the system include:

  • the ability to track both outputs to better understand the impact of program quality on outcomes
  • the ability to track outcomes to determine the extent to which the program is successful at producing its intended outcomes
  • tools that are relevant and adapted to Generation Citizen’s unique program
  • tools that build on questions and surveys successfully tested in the past and thus, produce reliable outcomes that are relevant to the broader field

As our core value states: we must be curious, listen, reflect, make changes, and operate with humility in order to achieve our goals.  This report, and revamped performance measurement system brings us one step closer to bringing our vision closer to reality.

– Meghan Trombly, Director of Programming
Generation Citizen is a nonpartisan, 501(c)3 tax exempt organization which does not endorse candidates; our goal is to engage our staff, participants, and stakeholders in political and civic action on issues that matter to them personally and in their communities. The opinions expressed in this blog post are those of the writer alone and do not reflect the opinions of Generation Citizen.
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