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Generation Citizen
Teachers: Join the Democracy Lab


GC in Action

Teachers: Join the Democracy Lab

28 February 2019

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Democracy Lab

8th Grade Civics for the 21st  Century


We are excited to launch the Democracy Lab with Primary Source. Targeted for the expansion of civic learning in social studies education, Democracy Lab is tailored for 8th-grade Massachusetts teachers responding to the newly released Framework while preparing students for success on the proposed MCAS evaluation and mandate for civics project-based learning. Primary Source and Generation Citizen’s innovative and comprehensive approach to civic learning is fully aligned with the 2018 Massachusetts History and Social Science Curriculum Framework. 

Whether teachers are designing an entirely new civics course or adding to an existing one, Democracy Lab will equip them to create learning opportunities that engage students through inquiry-based, culturally-responsive, and active learning/action-oriented approaches. 

Democracy Lab offers teachers a rare opportunity to receive training and curriculum materials while belonging to a professional learning community where they will become:

  • Confident in their knowledge of civics concepts
  • Qualified to implement innovative, interactive, and relevant approaches for meaningful civic learning
  • Capable of incorporating student-centered and action civics pedagogies
  • Versed in digital and multimedia civic learning tools

Democracy Lab Components: 

  • Professional Development
  • Student Resources
  • Teacher Resources
  • Professional Learning Community


To learn more about Democracy Lab, take a look at our Table of Contents here and download our information sheet here.

Democracy Lab is available as a 5, 3, or 1-year subscription. Discounted rates are available for partner districts and groups.

Questions? Email [email]civics@primarysource.org[/email].
