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What We’re Reading

Generation Citizen
What We’re Reading


What We’re Reading

21 March 2016

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Every week, GC picks out a selection of articles that are relevant to our work and to the civics education space as a whole. We at GC love to expand our learning in every aspect of what we do, and we hope you enjoy our selections!

Former Secretary of Education Arne Duncan will help dropouts in violence-plagued Chicago find jobs, Los Angeles Times: Arne Duncan is joining the Emerson Collective to help focus on some of the most important themes from his tenure as Secretary- mainly focusing on the gun violence plaguing his hometown of Chicago.

A Fight for the Very Soul of Our Country, Huffington Post: President of the American Federation of Teachers, writes about how the current political environment reminds us of the importance of civics education.

Join a club, get to know a teacher: one school’s push for success starts with relationshipsChalkbeat: How schools are focusing on the importance of socio-emotional learning by ensuring students join clubs and form sustained relationships.

16 Going on 18: Florida’s most impressive PAC director isn’t even old enough to vote, Fusion: 16 yer old Benjamin Burstein’s Super PAC is looking to lower the voting age for local elections.
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