What We Do
We are transforming how civics is taught by providing community-based civics education with an equity-centered approach.

In Schools: About Our Programs
We partner with middle and high schools to Implement a community-based civics curriculum that engages students in their own communities.

We build partnerships with teachers and administrators to bring community-based civics to their classrooms and schools.
Building a Democratic Classroom with a Pedagogical Approach
A Generation Citizen class models a democracy with a focus on including all student voices in leadership and decision-making. Students center their identity and lived experiences as they explore community issues and actively apply civic knowledge and tools to engage with local civic issues.
Culturally Responsive and Sustaining
Community-based civics recognizes, affirms, and connects learning to students’ identities, cultural backgrounds, communities, and histories. Students engage in courageous conversations centering their lived experiences as relevant assets to civic engagement.
Student Centered
Students are leaders of their own learning when developing and implementing their community-based civics project. Teachers act as facilitators and share power at each stage of the learning process, inviting students to plan, implement, and make decisions about the design and direction of their community-based civics project.
Project-Based Learning
Students engage in project-based learning by working in groups on their community-based civics project. They present their final product and reflection to their community during a Civics Day showcase event.
We have resources for teachers to help with community-based civics in the classroom.